Mr Philippe Mallier was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer on 5 January 2022.
He has more than 27 years experience in the insurance and reinsurance industry in various territories and markets across the world. He has been part of the Fairfax group of Companies for the past 25 years with different responsibilities. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Odyssey Reinsurance Latin America for the past 12 years and an Executive President of Hudson Insurance Group for the past 16 years.
Mr Mallier holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master degree from Ecole Special des Travaux Publics (Paris, France) in Civil Engineering.

Ms Kon May Yee join the Company on 15 February 2023 and was appointed as Head of Finance on 19 February 2024. She is responsible for the Group’s Finance function comprising Financial Reporting, Finance Operations, Strategic Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting, Regulatory Reporting and Taxation. She brings with her years of experience as an Auditor when she joined the organisation.
Ms Kon is a member of ACCA and holds a Bachelor of Science (First Class Honours) in Accounting and Finance.

Mr Ong Chee Koon joined the Company on 17th January 2022. He is a Senior Underwriter for Treaty and Facultative Business for the Indian Subcontinent and MENA region. In addition, he is the lead agriculture underwriter for the company. He has 20 years of experience across various markets and classes.
Mr Ong holds a Bachelor of Business from the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore with a major in Insurance.

Ms Yap Sock Cheen joined the Company on 28 March 1980 and was appointed Assistant General Manager in 2012. She is responsible for the Treaty Administration, Claims operations and Technical Accounting.
Ms Yap holds a Diploma in Business Administration and Diploma in Administration Management.