To fulfill its responsibility as a good corporate citizen, Singapore Re contributes to various charitable causes, including but not limited to the areas of Arts and Insurance Education*.
* China Insurance Institute – Donated RMB 100,000.00 to Insurance Society of China in 2001 as training funds.
* Shanghai Finance College – Donated RMB 250,000.00 to Shanghai Finance College in 1998 for their scholarship funds.
Contribution to Charitable Causes
Mindful of the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has had greater impact on certain segments of the society and economy, SingRe gave cash donations to:
- the Lions Home for the Elders to help keep the elderly and the frontline heroes safe
- Club Rainbow (Singapore) for chronically-ill children from low-income families
- the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH)'s International White Cane Day (IWCD). IWCD is a yearly international initiative spearheaded by the World Federation of the Blind and celebrated by the visually handicapped community all across the world on 15th October. The mission is to educate the world about blindness and how the visually handicapped can live and work independently while giving back to society.
Contribution to the Arts
Singapore Re made cash donations jointly with India International Insurance Pte Ltd to the National Heritage Board to facilitate the acquisition of object d'arts of Indian origin that are exhibited at the Asian Civilisations Museum located at Empress Place.